Amphibian Paludarium

15 Gallons - Freshwater Planted
Established: January 2022

Ideal Parameters:

Temperature: 78 - 82 °F (25 - 27 °C)
Ammonia, Nitrite & Phosphate: 0 ppm
Nitrate: 40 - 80 ppm
pH: 6.5 - 7.8

General Hardness (GH): 54 - 107 ppm (3 - 6 dGH)
Alkalinity (KH): 53 - 143 ppm (3 - 8 dKH)


  • This tank was established in early 2022. It is 15 gallons Amphibian Paludarium. It is inhabited by a large male Tiger Salamander, a Fire Bellied frog with various mollies and guppies.

  • Type Name Quantity Adoption date

    Fish Common Molly 5 May '21

    Fish Common/Fancy Guppies 15 May '22

    Fish Bristlenose Pleco 2 May '22

    Amphibian Fire Bellied Toad 1 May '20

    Amphibian Tiger Salamander 1 May '22

    Shrimp Amano Shrimp 3 May '19




Products Used

The following is what I use on this aquarium. It may seem like a lot, but it really works. All of these can be found on Amazon, or my clients can order from me directly, or HERE.


Cichlid Lake Salt

Replicates the environment of African Cichlids by providing proper amounts of calcium, magnesium, sodium, and potassium.

Affects General Hardness (GH) only, not alkalinity or pH.

Neutral Regulator

Adjusts pH to neutral (7.0) from either a low or high pH while softening water by precipitating calcium and magnesium and removes chlorine, chloramine, or ammonia.

Acid Regulator

Adjusts pH to the acidic range (4.5‑6.8) while softening water by precipitating calcium and magnesium.

Use with Neutral Regulator® to target pH 6.7.